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Anti-Pollution Essentials for Lovers of Urban Life

What’s the right way to protect myself against oxidative stress?

Once summer starts fading away and the first leaves are brightening up the ground, it means autumn’s on the way. During this period, the autumnal mood invites us to explore our towns and cities on long walks and – for a bit of cultural variety – to visit the world’s metropolises. However, when we do this, we often forget that urban living can really put our antioxidant protection system to the test.

Find out here how to optimally prepare yourself for the golden season in the city, and discover what power antioxidants can protect you from oxidative stress:

What does oxidative stress mean?

Oxidative stress occurs when the ratio between free radicals and antioxidants in the body goes off balance. Free radicals are molecules that have at least one unpaired electron. For this reason, they are extremely reactive, and try to steal themselves an electron by interacting with other molecules. However, this process can harm DNA, proteins and lipids, and ultimately contribute to inflammations and cell damage.


What urban impacts can trigger oxidative stress?

  •  Air pollution: the air in urban areas is contaminated because it often contains toxins such as particulates, nitrous oxides, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds. These toxins can cause oxidative stress.
  • Light pollution: light pollution is a widespread phenomenon in urban areas. Even at night, city streets are brightly lit by shop windows, illuminated advertising signs and the like. Although for many of us, that is a hallmark of urban life, the disadvantage is the huge contribution it makes to light pollution. In addition, when we’re indoors at home or at work, we spend a great deal of time in front of screens. All this exposure to artificial light can have negative effects on our eyes and skin, and can also trigger oxidative stress.
  • Solar light: the risk of high exposure to the sun naturally exists in urban areas too. Long sightseeing trips or general over-exposure to the sun without protection weaken our antioxidant defence system, and can cause short-term and long-term cell damage.

What antioxidants work best as an inner shield against oxidative stress?

#1 Astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis alga extract
Astaxanthin demonstrates great antioxidant potential. Studies have shown that it plays a key role in protecting against oxidative stress caused by UV rays. It also helps to reduce the associated signs of skin ageing.

#2 Blood orange extract
It is known that air pollution has a negative effect on the body. A study has shown that blood orange extract is able to reduce the oxidative stress caused by air pollution.

#3 Lutein & zeaxanthin from tagetes flower extract
External research findings indicate that lutein and zeaxanthin have a positive influence in terms of protecting against the oxidative stress caused by blue light. This can lead to a reduction of eye fatigue and sharpened vision.


What RINGANA products can help me to protect myself against oxidative stress?

CAPS protect work from the inside, building up a robust internal shield against the harmful effects of free radicals. Because of the formulation’s unique composition, containing a broad palette of antioxidant substances such as blood orange extract, tagetes flower extract, and Haematococcus pluvialis alga extract, free radicals don’t stand a chance of causing oxidative stress.

CAPS protect
Inner shield
90 caps

Complementing the CAPS with ADDS glow offers additional protection from the outside. This beauty booster with anti-pollution properties uses a special anti-pollution substance from white horehound which is rich in Forsythoside B. This extract can stimulate your body’s natural antioxidant processes, stopping harmful dirt particles from penetrating into your skin. The result is radiant-looking skin that is perfectly primed to stand up to the challenges of urban life.

ADDS glow
Beauty booster with anti-pollution effect
90 caps

With this powerful line of defence working both from within and outside against free radicals, you can relax and enjoy your next urban jungle adventure to the full.

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